Make Work-Life Balance Work – recommended TED Talk

A  thought provoking TED talk (10 mins) from Nigel Marsh author of “Fat, Forty and Fired”.  He points out that gaining balance is not about deciding to start going to the gym (“being a fit 10 hr a day work rat is not more balanced, it’s more fit!) – it’s about making small changes that […] Read More...

Beliefs – are yours empowering you or holding you back?

Beliefs are the stories we tell ourselves that build up our version of ‘reality’.  They inform the decisions we take and the way we live our lives and underpin our self esteem and confidence.  Some are helpful and some can be destructive – as Henry Ford highlighted in his quote:  “If you think you can […] Read More...

Values – What do you stand for?

Our values underpin the way we live our lives, the decisions we take, the friends we feel most aligned with and the work environments we feel happiest in. Values are the standards and moral principles we live our lives by – what we find important and care about. They define who we are and what […] Read More...

Effective Delegation

Effective delegation is a great way of freeing up your time in routine or non-core tasks to allow you to spend more time on long term problem solving, development and growth activities.  It also often brings benefits to the person who is being delegated to – allowing them to take responsibility and perhaps develop new […] Read More...

Fight those Presentation Nerves and boost your Confidence

Your mouth is dry, heart palpitating, stomach churning and knees knocking. You go into panic (the fight or flight response), facing a dreaded public speaking assignment. It doesn’t have to be so. These five tips will give you some strategies to overcome those symptoms and have the butterflies flying in formation. 1. Deep breathing will […] Read More...